The purpose of investigating accidents is to assess blame.true or false

False. The purpose of investigating accidents is not to assess blame but rather to understand the root causes and contributing factors in order to prevent similar accidents from happening in the future.

False. The purpose of investigating accidents is not to assess blame but rather to identify the root causes of the accident in order to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The goal is to determine what factors contributed to the accident and to learn from those findings to improve safety measures and procedures. Blaming individuals for accidents can create a culture of fear and discourage reporting, which hinders the learning process.


The purpose of investigating accidents is not directly focused on assigning blame, but rather on determining the causes and factors that contributed to the accident. The primary goal is to prevent similar incidents from happening again in the future by identifying and addressing any issues or contributing factors. Investigating accidents involves gathering information, analyzing data, and making recommendations for improvement in safety procedures, policies, or equipment. Assigning blame, if necessary, typically falls under the jurisdiction of legal or disciplinary processes, which may occur separately from the accident investigation.