Which of the following is one characteristic of all living things? (1 point)


using nerve cells to maintain temperature
using nerve cells to maintain temperature

maintaining homeostasis
maintaining homeostasis

sending cells to deliver messages in the body
sending cells to deliver messages in the body

moving from place to place

maintaining homeostasis

The characteristic of all living things is maintaining homeostasis.

The characteristic of all living things from the given options is maintaining homeostasis.

To arrive at this answer, you can examine each option and determine whether it meets the criteria for being a characteristic of all living things.

The first option, "using nerve cells to maintain temperature," is not a characteristic of all living things, as there are many organisms that do not have nerve cells or regulate their body temperature in this way.

The second option, "maintaining homeostasis," is indeed a characteristic of all living things. Homeostasis refers to the ability of an organism to regulate its internal environment and maintain a stable, balanced state despite changes in the external environment. This is a fundamental aspect of life.

The third option, "sending cells to deliver messages in the body," is more specific and does not encompass all living things. While communication between cells is important in many organisms, it is not a universal characteristic of all life forms.

Finally, the last option, "moving from place to place," is not a characteristic of all living things either. While some organisms have the ability to move, such as animals, there are many organisms that are stationary or have limited movement.

Therefore, out of the given options, the characteristic of all living things is maintaining homeostasis.