Money was scarce during this time; people would ____________ to conduct their business instead of using money.

engage in bartering

Money was scarce during this time; people would engage in barter to conduct their business instead of using money.

To understand how people conducted business when money was scarce, we need to consider alternative forms of exchange that were commonly used. One such method is known as bartering.

Bartering is the exchange of goods or services without using money. Instead, people trade items or services directly with each other. For example, if someone had extra eggs, they could exchange them with a neighbor who had extra milk. This system of trading goods or services based on mutual needs was a way for people to conduct business when money was limited or not readily available.

During times of scarcity, it was common for individuals to rely on their skills or resources to barter for essential items. This could involve exchanging crops for clothing, furniture for livestock, or services such as plumbing, carpentry, or childcare in exchange for goods.

Bartering allowed people to fulfill their needs and get things done without relying on monetary transactions. It relied on mutual agreement and the understanding of value between parties involved.