Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word hastens as it is used in the poem. Write your best definition of hasten here and explain how you got it.

In order to determine the meaning of the word "hastens" as it is used in the poem, we have to look at the surrounding context. Context clues can help us understand the intended meaning. Unfortunately, we don't have the text of the poem in question. However, based on the information provided, we can make an educated guess.

The word "hastens" suggests a sense of urgency or quickness. It implies that something is being done in a hurried or speedy manner. This can be inferred from the word itself, as "hasten" is derived from the word "haste."

So, the best definition of "hastens" in this context would be to move or act quickly, to make something happen sooner or to hurry something along.

To determine the meaning of the word "hastens" in the poem, we can rely on context clues. Context clues are hints or information that can be found within a text and can help us understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word. These clues can be found in the sentences or surrounding words and phrases.

In the case of the poem, we need to look for clues that suggest the meaning of "hastens." Here are a few possible ways to go about it:

1. Look for synonyms or related words: Sometimes, authors use words that are similar to the unknown word in order to provide context. For example, if we come across words like "accelerates," "rushes," or "speeds up" in the poem, we can infer that "hastens" has a similar meaning.

2. Analyze the tone or mood: The overall tone or mood of the poem can give us insight into the meaning of "hastens." If the poem has a sense of urgency, excitement, or a fast-paced rhythm, it suggests that "hastens" is related to something happening quickly or coming to an end swiftly.

3. Examine the poem's subject or theme: Understanding the subject or theme of the poem can also help us determine the meaning of "hastens." If the poem is about time, change, or a journey, it suggests that "hastens" might refer to the passing of time, the progression of events, or the quickening of a process.

By closely examining the poem and looking for these context clues, we can form a reasonable definition for "hastens." However, without having the poem at hand, it's difficult to provide a specific definition.

To determine the meaning of the word "hastens" in the poem, we can look for context clues. In this case, we can examine the surrounding words and phrases to understand its meaning.

"Hastens" is usually used as a verb and is related to actions and movements. Some context clues that can help us determine its meaning include:

1. Other verbs or adjectives nearby: Look for words that indicate movement, speed, or urgency. For example, if we see words like "quickly," "rushes," or "swiftly," it suggests that "hastens" also implies a similar meaning of moving fast or with urgency.

2. The overall tone or mood of the poem: Understanding the general feeling or atmosphere created by the poem can provide additional hints. If the poem has a sense of urgency, excitement, or haste, it is likely that "hastens" is used in the same context.

By examining these context clues, we can make an educated guess that "hastens" means to move quickly, to act with urgency, or to speed up. However, to provide an accurate definition, it is essential to consider the specific poem and its intended meaning.