the removal of sections of RNA, called introns, occur at which regulation step in eukaryotic cells? A. chromatin remodeling B. post-translation C.RNA processing D. mRNA life span

C. RNA processing

The removal of sections of RNA, called introns, occurs at the RNA processing step in eukaryotic cells. Therefore, the correct answer is C. RNA processing.

The removal of sections of RNA, called introns, occurs during the process of RNA processing. Therefore, the correct answer is C. RNA processing.

To arrive at this answer, we need to have some knowledge of the different regulation steps in eukaryotic cells and their respective functions:

A. Chromatin remodeling: This step involves modifications of the chromatin structure (DNA and associated proteins) to allow access of transcription factors to the DNA, thereby regulating gene expression. It does not directly involve the removal of introns.

B. Post-translation: This step refers to modifications that occur after protein synthesis, such as protein folding, addition of chemical groups, or protein targeting. It is not directly related to the removal of introns from RNA molecules.

C. RNA processing: This step occurs after transcription but before translation. It involves multiple processes, including the removal of introns and addition of a 5' cap and a poly-A tail to the RNA molecule. These modifications are essential for the maturation of mRNA, allowing it to be transported out of the nucleus and be translated into protein.

D. mRNA lifespan: This step refers to the regulation of mRNA stability. Factors that affect mRNA stability can impact the amount of time an mRNA molecule remains present in the cell, influencing the overall levels of the corresponding protein. While regulation of mRNA stability is an important aspect of gene expression, it does not directly involve the removal of introns.

Therefore, based on the understanding of these different regulation steps, the correct answer to the question is C. RNA processing.

Hox genes are regulatory genes in multicellular animals that code for transcription factors that determine the basic body plan in a developing embryo. They act as switches that turn other genes on and off. Scientists have found that a mutation in a fruit fly hox gene produces flies with legs instead of antennae sticking out of their heads. Another hox gene mutation results in fruit flies with two pairs of wings instead of one pair. Hox genes affect body plans by controlling the expression of many other genes. Many multicellular animals have the same hox genes. Which statement is evidence for this claim? (1 point) Responses The body plans of complex animals are very similar to one another. The body plans of complex animals typically have a large number of mutations. There is a wide variety of body plans in complex animals. The body plans of complex animals change over generations.

The correct statement that provides evidence for the claim that many multicellular animals have the same hox genes is:

The body plans of complex animals are very similar to one another.

This statement suggests that the presence of similar body plans across different complex animals implies a common genetic basis, which could be attributed to the presence of conserved hox genes in these animals.

The trait for blue eyes in humans is caused by a recessive allele. If this gene is named e, what is the genotype of a blue-eyed person?(1 point)






The genotype of a blue-eyed person, considering that the trait for blue eyes is caused by a recessive allele represented by e, would be:


Describe the relationships among genes, DNA, and traits.(1 point)


Traits are determined by genes, which are composed of DNA.

Traits determine the DNA in genes.

Traits are made of genes, which are composed of DNA.

Genes code for traits, which are composed of DNA.

The correct response is:

Genes code for traits, which are composed of DNA.

Genes are specific segments of DNA that carry instructions for the synthesis of proteins and other molecules in the body. These proteins and molecules ultimately determine the traits or characteristics that an individual possesses. Therefore, genes code for traits, and both genes and traits are composed of DNA.

In mice, the gene for tail length has two alleles. A long tail is dominant to a short tail. If a long-tailed mouse that is heterozygous mates with a short-tailed mouse, what are the chances of having offspring with short tails?(1 point)




