What was the reason Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark on an expedition?

(1 point)

He wanted to find a route to the Pacific Ocean.
He wanted to find a route to the Pacific Ocean.

He wanted to expand the fur trading business.
He wanted to expand the fur trading business.

He wanted to claim more land beyond Louisiana.
He wanted to claim more land beyond Louisiana.

He wanted to conquer Spanish-held territories.

He wanted to find a route to the Pacific Ocean.

The reason Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark on an expedition was because he wanted to find a route to the Pacific Ocean.

The reason Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark on an expedition was to find a route to the Pacific Ocean. To arrive at this answer, we can understand the historical context and Jefferson's motivations during that time. In the early 1800s, there was a growing interest in exploring and expanding the western territories of the United States. Jefferson believed that by finding a direct water route to the Pacific, the United States could establish trade connections with Asia and potentially claim valuable territories. Additionally, there was a desire to expand the fur trading business, but this was not the primary reason for the expedition. Similarly, conquering Spanish-held territories was not the objective. Therefore, the correct answer is that Jefferson wanted to find a route to the Pacific Ocean.