The black bear is common to North America. Black bears, eat, mini foods, mainly grass roots, berries, and insects, however, fish in mammals, including those already dead, are also part of their diet. Some tend to wander near campsites, and can develop a taste for human food, and garbage, given this information, which term most accurately characterizes black bears

The term that most accurately characterizes black bears, based on the provided information, is "omnivores."

Based on the information provided, the term that most accurately characterizes black bears is "omnivorous." This is because black bears have a varied diet that includes not only grass roots, berries, and insects (which are plant-based), but also fish and mammals (including dead ones). Additionally, their tendency to develop a taste for human food and garbage suggests that they have the ability to consume a wide range of food sources.

To find the answer to this question, I analyzed the provided information about black bears' diet and behavior. By recognizing that black bears eat both plant-based and animal-based foods, it becomes clear that they are omnivorous.

The term that most accurately characterizes black bears based on the given information is "omnivorous."