Identify the word that is part of a compound predicate.

"the boys," as they were called, amused and delighted audiences everywhere.
( 1 point )

A.) were

B.) called

C.) delighted

D.) none

C.) delighted

The word "amused" is part of the compound predicate in the sentence.

To identify the word that is part of a compound predicate in the given sentence, we need to understand what a compound predicate is. A compound predicate is when a subject performs or experiences multiple actions or states.

In the given sentence, "the boys," as they were called, amused and delighted audiences everywhere, we have two actions being performed by the subject "the boys" - "amused" and "delighted."

Now, to determine the word that is part of the compound predicate, we need to look for the verbs that indicate these actions. In this case, the words "amused" and "delighted" are the verbs that represent the actions. Both of these words are part of the compound predicate.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

C.) delighted