ex-cep-tion |ik'sepSHen| >n. a person or thing that is excluded from a gerneral statment or does not follow a rule.

Which syllable is stressed in the word exception?

The syllable stressed in the word "exception" is the second syllable - "cep".

To determine which syllable is stressed in a word, you can follow these steps:

1. Look up the word in a reliable dictionary. In this case, we are looking up the word "exception."

2. Pay attention to the pronunciation guide provided in the dictionary entry. It usually consists of a series of symbols or diacritical marks. The most common symbol used to indicate stress is (') placed before the stressed syllable.

Looking up the word "exception" in a dictionary, you will find the pronunciation is typically listed as /ɪkˈsɛpʃ(ə)n/. The (') symbol above the letter "k" indicates that the stress falls on the second syllable, which is "sep."

So, to answer your question, the syllable "sep" is stressed in the word "exception."

The syllable that is stressed in the word "exception" is the second syllable, pronounced as /sep/.