Roots and Affixes Quick Check

3 of 53 of 5 Items
Use the sentence to answer the question.

Construction on the new shopping center will begin in two weeks.

Which is the meaning of the root in the underlined word?

(1 point)

to decide
to decide

to open
to open

to plan
to plan

to build

to build

To find the meaning of the root in the underlined word, we need to identify the root. In this case, the root is "construct."

To determine the meaning of the root, we can look at the context of the sentence. The sentence states that "Construction on the new shopping center will begin in two weeks." This tells us that "construction" refers to the act of building something.

Therefore, the correct answer is "to build", as it aligns with the meaning of the root in the underlined word.

The meaning of the root in the underlined word "construction" is "to build."