What benefit does using the CRISPR technique have in creating GMOs? (1 point)

A. • Diversity within species can continue to increase through crossbreeding.
B. • Precise traits can be chosen to produce viable organisms more quickly.
C. • CRISPR can result in infertile hybrids
D. • It eliminates all risk of mutation.

B. • Precise traits can be chosen to produce viable organisms more quickly.

The benefit of using the CRISPR technique in creating GMOs is that precise traits can be chosen to produce viable organisms more quickly. Thus, the correct answer is B.

To determine the correct answer, let's go through each option:

A. Diversity within species can continue to increase through crossbreeding.
While crossbreeding can indeed enhance diversity within species, it is not directly related to the CRISPR technique used in creating GMOs. So, this option is unlikely to be the correct answer.

B. Precise traits can be chosen to produce viable organisms more quickly.
This option is a likely answer. The CRISPR technique allows scientists to precisely edit the genetic makeup of an organism. By selectively modifying specific genes, they can create GMOs with desired traits more quickly than traditional breeding methods.

C. CRISPR can result in infertile hybrids.
While it is true that some modifications made using the CRISPR technique can result in infertile hybrids, this outcome is not a benefit of using the technique. It is usually an unintended consequence, rather than a deliberate application of the technology.

D. It eliminates all risk of mutation.
This option is incorrect. The CRISPR technique itself involves intentional genetic mutation or modification. It does not eliminate the risk of mutation but rather allows scientists to control and manipulate the genetic material more precisely.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Precise traits can be chosen to produce viable organisms more quickly, as this option aligns with the benefits of using the CRISPR technique in creating GMOs.