Which of the following choices which one is considered a democratic values select all that apply

A-serving in the military
C-voting in an election
D- patriotism


C-voting in an election

The choices that are considered democratic values are:

B - Honesty
C - Voting in an election

To determine which choices are considered democratic values, we need to understand the principles and ideals associated with democracy.

Democracy is a system of government where power is vested in the people, and decisions are made through majority rule. It also emphasizes the protection of individual rights, equality, and the participation of citizens in the decision-making process.

Let's analyze each option:

A) Serving in the military: While serving in the military can be seen as a form of civic duty and patriotism, it is not specifically tied to democratic values.

B) Honesty: Honesty is a personal virtue that can contribute to trust within a democratic society. While it is valued, it is not directly related to the core principles of democracy.

C) Voting in an election: Voting in an election is a fundamental democratic practice as it allows citizens to have a say in choosing their representatives and participating in the decision-making process. Therefore, voting in an election aligns with democratic values.

D) Patriotism: Patriotism can be seen as a value in a democracy because it represents the love and devotion to one's country. However, it is not an inherent democratic value but can be compatible with democratic ideals.

Based on the analysis, options C (voting in an election) and D (patriotism) could be considered as choices aligned with democratic values.

Remember, democratic values may vary based on cultural context and individual perspectives.