Why do authors introduce parallel plots?(1 point)


to create mystery, tension, or surprise
to create mystery, tension, or surprise

to increase the length of a story
to increase the length of a story

to appeal to readers who enjoy different things
to appeal to readers who enjoy different things

to support a certain tone or mood

to support a certain tone or mood

Authors introduce parallel plots in a story for various reasons. One reason is to create mystery, tension, or surprise. By including multiple plotlines that intersect or have connections, authors can keep readers engaged and guessing about how the different threads of the story will come together.

Another reason authors use parallel plots is to increase the length of the story. By incorporating multiple plotlines, authors can expand the narrative and provide more content for readers to enjoy.

Parallel plots can also appeal to readers who enjoy different things. By weaving together multiple storylines, authors can cater to different interests and preferences, ensuring a broader appeal among readers.

Lastly, authors may introduce parallel plots to support a certain tone or mood in the story. By showcasing different perspectives or events through parallel plotlines, authors can enhance the overall atmosphere or emotion they want to convey.

To determine why a specific author has introduced parallel plots in a particular story, it is helpful to analyze the context, themes, and narrative goals of the work. This can involve considering the author's intentions, examining the story's structure, and exploring the effects and implications of the parallel plots within the larger narrative framework.

to support a certain tone or mood