It was thought that there were areas of the Earth where life couldn't exist, since the temperatures were not suitable for most animals to survive.

(1 point)
• True
• False


To determine if the statement is true or false, we need to understand the concept of temperature tolerances for animals and the conditions for life to exist.

1. Firstly, find information about the temperature tolerances of animals: Research and find information about the range of temperatures that different types of animals can tolerate. This will help you understand the environmental conditions necessary for animals to survive.

2. Secondly, research the conditions necessary for life: Look into the conditions necessary for life to exist, including temperature, availability of water, and access to food and shelter.

3. Compare the information: Based on the information you find, compare the temperature tolerances of animals with the conditions necessary for life. Determine if there are areas on Earth where temperatures are not suitable for most animals to survive.

4. Answer the question: Based on your research and comparison, you can determine if the statement "It was thought that there were areas of the Earth where life couldn't exist, since the temperatures were not suitable for most animals to survive" is true or false.
