James lives in the 1500s and needs to have a tooth pulled. Who would MOST likely perform this task?

(1 point)
a teacher
a surgeon
a barber
a maid

In the 1500s, the person who would be most likely to perform a tooth extraction is a barber.

In the 1500s, the most likely person to perform a tooth extraction would be a barber.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the historical context of the 1500s. During this time, dental care was not as specialized as it is today. Barbers were often considered skilled practitioners who offered various services, including minor medical procedures and tooth extractions. They would use tools like forceps or pincers to remove teeth.

On the other hand, a teacher would not be the most likely candidate to perform a tooth extraction. Teachers were generally involved in education and knowledge dissemination, rather than medical or dental procedures. Similarly, a maid would typically be responsible for domestic chores and household tasks, not healthcare. Although surgeons did exist during this time, they were more inclined towards invasive surgeries and treating major injuries rather than common dental issues.

Therefore, considering the available options, the most plausible choice for who would most likely perform a tooth extraction in the 1500s would be a barber.

In the 1500s, the person most likely to perform a tooth extraction would be a barber.