"This Constitution is said to have beautiful features, but . . . they appear to me horribly frightful. . . . Your President may become king . . . If your American chief be a man of ambition and abilities, how easy is it for him to render himself absolute!"

—Patrick Henry, Speech to the Virginia Convention, June 1788
Use the excerpt to answer the question.

What concern about the Constitution is Patrick Henry expressing?
(1 point)

that a president would need to be ambitious to be successful in office
that a president would need to be ambitious to be successful in office

that the Constitution has established a monarchy
that the Constitution has established a monarchy

that a president has been given too much power
that a president has been given too much power

that the Constitution establishes a weak central government

that the Constitution establishes a weak central government

that a president has been given too much power

Patrick Henry is expressing a concern that the Constitution could potentially lead to a president becoming an absolute monarch. Therefore, the correct answer is: that the Constitution has established a monarchy.