Find the cube root of 512: ^3 divided 512

The cube root of 512 is equal to the number that, when multiplied by itself three times, gives 512.

To calculate the cube root of 512, we can use the exponentiation operator (^) with a fractional exponent of 1/3:

512^(1/3) ≈ 8

Therefore, the cube root of 512 is approximately 8.

To find the cube root of 512, you need to divide 512 by itself three times (512/512/512). The cube root of 512 is 8.

To find the cube root of 512, you can divide 512 by the cube root of 512 using a calculator or mathematical notation.

Using mathematical notation, the cube root of 512 can be written as:


Calculating this using a calculator will give you the result:

∛512 ≈ 8

Therefore, the cube root of 512 is approximately 8.