How do you write 5 is to 1 as 20 is to 4 as a proportion in fractional notation?(1 point)


start fraction 5 over 1 end fraction equals start fraction 4 over 20 end fraction

start fraction 5 over 4 end fraction equals start fraction 1 over 20 end fraction

5:1 :: 20:4
ratio of 5 to 1 colon colon ratio of 20 to 4


start fraction 5 over 1 end fraction equals start fraction 20 over 4 end fraction

To write the proportion "5 is to 1 as 20 is to 4" in fractional notation, you need to compare the two parts of the ratio separately.

First, write the ratio "5 is to 1" as a fraction: 5/1.

Next, write the ratio "20 is to 4" as a fraction: 20/4.

So, the fractional notation for the proportion "5 is to 1 as 20 is to 4" is:

5/1 = 20/4

To write "5 is to 1 as 20 is to 4" as a proportion in fractional notation, you would use the format "5/1 = 20/4".