Which of the following describes a way of memorizing a poem using a mnemonic device?

(1 point)

reading every line of a poem several times until you have it memorized
reading every line of a poem several times until you have it memorized

singing the words of the poem to the tune of "Happy Birthday"
singing the words of the poem to the tune of "Happy Birthday"

creating a poster that displays the poem
creating a poster that displays the poem

writing a new poem about the same subject

singing the words of the poem to the tune of "Happy Birthday"

The correct answer is "singing the words of the poem to the tune of 'Happy Birthday.'" This is an example of using a mnemonic device to memorize a poem.

The answer to the question is "singing the words of the poem to the tune of 'Happy Birthday'". This method is an example of using a mnemonic device to memorize a poem. A mnemonic device is a memory aid that helps to remember something by associating it with something else that is easier to recall. Singing the words of the poem to a familiar tune like "Happy Birthday" helps create a strong association between the words of the poem and the melody, making it easier to remember. Other options like reading the poem multiple times or creating a poster can also be helpful, but they are not specifically examples of using a mnemonic device.