Identify each graph as proportional or non-proportional. Enter ‘1’ to indicate it is proportional or ‘2’ to indicate it is non-proportional.(2 points)

I'm sorry, but I cannot see the graphs you are referring to. Please provide the graphs or describe them in detail so that I can assist you in identifying whether they are proportional or non-proportional.

To determine whether a graph is proportional or non-proportional, you need to examine the relationship between the variables represented by the axes.

In a proportional relationship, the graph will form a straight line passing through the origin (0,0). This means that for every increase in the independent variable, there will be a consistent increase or decrease in the dependent variable.

On the other hand, in a non-proportional relationship, the graph will not form a straight line passing through the origin, indicating that the variables do not have a consistent ratio between them.

Without the specific graphs, it is difficult to determine whether they are proportional or non-proportional. Please provide the graphs or share additional information so that I can help you determine the nature of each graph.

To determine if a graph is proportional or non-proportional, you need to analyze the relationship between the variables. If the graph shows a straight line passing through the origin (0,0), it is proportional. If the graph does not pass through the origin or forms a curved line, it is non-proportional.

Please provide the graphs you want me to analyze.