Which of the following statements best explains how Louis XIV’s rule exemplified absolute power?(1 point)


Louis XIV had power more absolute than any French ruler before him, even though in reality his power, like all absolute rulers’ power, was often limited.
Louis XIV had power more absolute than any French ruler before him, even though in reality his power, like all absolute rulers’ power, was often limited.

Louis XIV was one of the most successful absolute rulers in history, and no other absolute king or queen was more successful.
Louis XIV was one of the most successful absolute rulers in history, and no other absolute king or queen was more successful.

Louis XIV’s power had a few limitations, but in general he was able to act, like many other rulers at the time, as the absolute ruler of his country.
Louis XIV’s power had a few limitations, but in general he was able to act, like many other rulers at the time, as the absolute ruler of his country.

Louis XIV ruled without any legal limitations on his authority and was therefore an absolute ruler and a model for all future European rulers.

Louis XIV ruled without any legal limitations on his authority and was therefore an absolute ruler and a model for all future European rulers.

The best statement that explains how Louis XIV's rule exemplified absolute power is: "Louis XIV ruled without any legal limitations on his authority and was therefore an absolute ruler and a model for all future European rulers."

The statement that best explains how Louis XIV's rule exemplified absolute power is:

Louis XIV ruled without any legal limitations on his authority and was therefore an absolute ruler and a model for all future European rulers.

To arrive at this answer, we first need to understand the concept of absolute power. Absolute power refers to a form of government where the ruler has complete authority and control over all aspects of governance without any legal limitations or checks and balances. In the case of Louis XIV, he was the King of France from 1643 to 1715, and his reign is often associated with the concept of absolute monarchy.

Now, let's analyze the statements given:
- The first statement suggests that Louis XIV's power was more absolute than any previous French ruler, but also implies that his power was often limited, like other absolute rulers. This statement does not fully encapsulate the idea of absolute power as it acknowledges limitations.
- The second statement states that Louis XIV was one of the most successful absolute rulers in history, but it does not explicitly mention the absence of legal limitations. It focuses more on his success rather than the nature of his rule.
- The third statement recognizes that there were a few limitations on Louis XIV's power, although in general, he was able to act as the absolute ruler of his country. Again, this statement acknowledges constraints on his power, which contradicts the concept of absolute rule.
- The fourth statement rightly asserts that Louis XIV ruled without any legal limitations on his authority, making him an absolute ruler. It also suggests that he served as a model for future European rulers, indicating the far-reaching influence of his absolute rule.

Based on this analysis, the fourth statement is the most accurate explanation of how Louis XIV's rule exemplified absolute power.