What is a common characteristic of farce?

Serious and somber themes
Complex and intricate plot twists
Exaggerated characters and chaotic situations
Exploring existential questions

Exaggerated characters and chaotic situations are a common characteristic of farce.

A common characteristic of farce is exaggerated characters and chaotic situations. Farce is a comedy genre that often relies on absurd and ridiculous situations, over-the-top characters, and slapstick humor. It tends to involve mistaken identities, misunderstandings, and fast-paced action, creating chaos and hilarity. While farce may sometimes touch on serious themes, its main focus is on entertainment rather than exploring existential questions. It typically does not have complex plot twists, but rather relies on simple and predictable storylines.

A common characteristic of farce is the presence of exaggerated characters and chaotic situations. Farce is a genre of comedy that aims to create laughter through absurdity and highly exaggerated elements. It often involves mistaken identities, misunderstandings, and outrageous actions by the characters. The humor in farce typically arises from the ridiculous and over-the-top nature of the situations presented. So, when identifying a farce, look for exaggerated characters and chaotic situations that generate laughter through their absurdity.