Who was considered the supreme source of justice in the Malian Empire? (1 poi

O the Malinke
O the dyamani-tiguis
O the mansa
O Kurukan Fuga

O the mansa

The supreme source of justice in the Malian Empire was the mansa.

To find out who was considered the supreme source of justice in the Malian Empire, we can analyze the given options:

1. The Malinke: The Malinke or Mandinka people were one of the major ethnic groups in the Malian Empire. However, they were not specifically known as the supreme source of justice.

2. The dyamani-tiguis: The dyamani-tiguis were professional judges in the Malian Empire who were responsible for settling disputes and applying justice. However, they were not considered the supreme source of justice themselves.

3. The mansa: The correct answer is the Mansa. The term "Mansa" refers to the ruler or emperor of the Malian Empire. The Mansa was considered the supreme source of justice in the empire and had the power to make final decisions on legal matters and dispense justice.

4. Kurukan Fuga: Kurukan Fuga was a legendary constitution or code of laws created by Sundiata Keita, the founder of the Malian Empire. While this code of laws played a significant role in establishing justice and governance in the empire, it was not a specific individual or office considered as the supreme source of justice.

Therefore, the correct answer is "The mansa," as they held the ultimate authority for justice in the Malian Empire.