Which West African culture is most associated with iron-smelting? (1 point)



The West African culture most associated with iron-smelting is the Nok culture.

The West African culture that is most associated with iron-smelting is the Nok culture. To arrive at this answer, you can take the following steps:

1. Understand the question: The question asks which West African culture is most associated with iron-smelting. Iron-smelting is the process of extracting iron from its ores by heating.
2. Narrow down the options: The question provides four options - Nok, Mali, Sahara, and Nigeria. You can eliminate "Mali" and "Sahara" as they are not specific cultures but rather regions. This leaves us with two options: Nok and Nigeria.
3. Research: Now you need to gather information about the iron-smelting history of both Nok and Nigeria. The Nok culture is known for its advanced iron-working dating back to around 500 BC. It is recognized as one of the earliest known cultures to work with iron in sub-Saharan Africa.
4. Draw a conclusion: Based on the research, it can be concluded that the Nok culture is most associated with iron-smelting in West Africa.

Therefore, the answer to the question is Nok.