Comedy of manners often satirizes:

The complexities of human existence
Absurd and illogical situations
Historical figures and events
Social behaviors, etiquette, and moral codes

Class distinctions and social hierarchies

Marriage and courtship rituals
Gender roles and expectations
Pretentiousness and hypocrisy in society
Conformity and superficiality
Gossip and scandal

Comedy of manners is a genre of theatre, literature, and film that satirizes social behaviors, etiquette, and moral codes. Here are some key elements that comedy of manners often satirizes:

1. The complexities of human existence: This genre often portrays the complexities and contradictions of human behavior, highlighting the absurdities and flaws in how people interact with one another and navigate social situations.

2. Absurd and illogical situations: Comedy of manners often includes exaggerated and farcical situations that showcase the irrationality and illogicality of social norms and expectations. These situations can range from mistaken identities to misunderstandings and miscommunications.

3. Historical figures and events: While not necessarily a common element, some works of comedy of manners may satirize historical figures and events, using them as a backdrop to highlight the flaws and hypocrisies of society during that time.

4. Social behaviors, etiquette, and moral codes: Perhaps the most prominent element of comedy of manners is its satire of social behaviors, etiquette, and moral codes. This genre often exposes the pretenses, shallowness, and hypocrisy found within social interactions, mocking societal expectations and norms.

Overall, comedy of manners uses humor to critique and expose the comical aspects of human existence and societal conventions, aiming to entertain while also encouraging reflection and introspection about social dynamics.

To understand how comedy of manners often satirizes these aspects, let's break them down one by one:

1. The complexities of human existence: Comedy of manners uses humor to highlight the complexities and contradictions of human behavior. It often focuses on the foibles and idiosyncrasies of characters, exposing their flaws and weaknesses. By doing so, it offers a humorous commentary on the intricacies of human nature.

2. Absurd and illogical situations: Comedy of manners frequently incorporates absurd and illogical situations to generate comedic effect. These situations may involve exaggerated misunderstandings, mistaken identities, or farcical plot twists. By presenting such scenarios, the genre humorously explores the irrationality and unpredictability of human interactions.

3. Historical figures and events: While comedy of manners is primarily concerned with contemporary society, some works within the genre satirize historical figures and events. This satirical approach is often used to draw parallels between past and present social conventions, revealing the recurring nature of certain behaviors or tendencies.

4. Social behaviors, etiquette, and moral codes: Comedy of manners is known for satirizing social behaviors, etiquette, and moral codes through witty dialogue and situational humor. It presents characters navigating societal norms and conventions, often highlighting the irony or hypocrisy that can arise from rigid adherence to these codes. By poking fun at these social constructs, comedy of manners encourages viewers or readers to critically examine the rules and expectations of their own society.

To fully appreciate the satire in comedy of manners, one can engage in close reading or analysis of the texts. This involves paying attention to the language, characterization, and plot elements used in the work. It can also be helpful to research the historical and cultural context in which the work was produced to better understand the satirical targets and intentions of the playwright or author.