the latin word root "bene" means good or well. what is the likely meaning of the word "benevolent"?

The likely meaning of the word "benevolent" is someone who is kind or generous, showing goodwill or wishing well towards others.

The likely meaning of the word "benevolent" is "well-meaning" or "kind-hearted." The word is formed by combining the Latin word root "bene" (meaning good or well) and the suffix "-volent" (meaning inclined to or characterized by). Therefore, "benevolent" can be understood as someone who is inclined to do good or well for others.

The word "benevolent" is derived from the Latin word root "bene," which means good or well. By knowing the meaning of this Latin root, we can infer the likely meaning of "benevolent" in English.

To get a precise understanding of the word, let's break it down further:

1. "Bene": The Latin root that means good or well.
2. "-volent": This suffix is derived from the Latin word "volent," which means willing or desiring.

Therefore, when we combine the Latin root "bene" with the suffix "-volent," we can deduce that "benevolent" likely means "wanting or desiring good or well-being." In other words, it describes someone who is kind, generous, and inclined to do good deeds for others.