West Africa villages were made up of people of different

B. Clans
C. Ethnic groups
D. Cultures

C. Ethnic groups

C. Ethnic groups

The villages in West Africa were made up of people from different:

C. Ethnic groups

To arrive at this answer, we can use our knowledge of West African history and the characteristics of their villages.

First, West Africa is known for its cultural diversity, with numerous ethnic groups inhabiting the region. Each ethnic group has its distinct languages, customs, traditions, and lifestyles.

During the time when villages were prevalent in West Africa, these settlements would typically consist of people from neighboring or closely related ethnic groups. The inhabitants of a village would share common cultural practices, including language, religious beliefs, and social structures.

On the other hand, "religions" (option A) refer to different sets of beliefs and spiritual practices, which may vary across different ethnic groups within West Africa. While religion plays a significant role in the lives of West Africans, it is not the primary determining factor when it comes to the composition of a village.

Option B, "clans," refers to smaller social subdivisions or groups within a larger society. While clans do exist in West Africa, they are generally associated with specific ethnic groups and are not the primary basis for the composition of West African villages.

Lastly, option D, "cultures," is a broad term that encompasses various aspects of human life, including language, arts, customs, and traditions. The villages in West Africa certainly encompassed distinct cultures, as they housed people from different ethnic backgrounds with their own unique cultural practices. However, specifically speaking about the composition of the villages, "ethnic groups" is a more accurate term to describe the diverse backgrounds of the villagers.

In summary, the correct answer is C. Ethnic groups, as the villages in West Africa were typically comprised of people from different ethnic backgrounds who shared common language, customs, traditions, and social structures.