How is Canada's government different from that of the United States?(1 point) Responses In Canada, the legislature selects the leader of the country. In Canada, the legislature selects the leader of the country. In Canada, the people directly elect the leader of the country. In Canada, the people directly elect the leader of the country. In the US, Parliament makes the laws In the US, Parliament makes the laws In the US, the legislature selects the leader of the country.

In Canada, the legislature selects the leader of the country.

The main difference between Canada's government and that of the United States is how the leader of the country is selected. In Canada, the legislature selects the leader of the country, whereas in the United States, the people directly elect the leader of the country.

In Canada, the government is different from that of the United States in several ways. One key difference is how the leader of the country is selected. In Canada, the leader of the country, known as the Prime Minister, is not directly elected by the people. Instead, the leader is selected by the legislature, which is made up of elected representatives.

To get the answer to this question, you can compare the options provided. The first two options state that in Canada, the legislature selects the leader of the country. This suggests that this is indeed a difference between Canada's government and that of the United States.

On the other hand, the next two options state that in Canada, the people directly elect the leader of the country. This contradicts the first two options and is not an accurate statement about Canada's government. Therefore, these options can be eliminated as they do not align with the correct answer.

As for the options related to the United States, the last option states that in the US, the legislature selects the leader of the country, which is not true. In the United States, the leader, known as the President, is elected through a separate process involving a combination of popular vote and the Electoral College.

Thus, based on the options provided, the correct answer is: "In Canada, the legislature selects the leader of the country."