Vega Viewer SPA

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Which of the following best explains civic responsibility?
(1 point)

acting in a manner that impedes other’s rights

acting in a manner to emphasize one’s own rights

acting in a manner that focuses only on local community

acting in a manner that promotes the local community
and nation

acting in a manner that promotes the local community and nation

The correct answer is:

acting in a manner that promotes the local community and nation

To determine the correct answer, let's look at each option:

1. Acting in a manner that impedes other's rights: This option focuses on obstructing or hindering the rights of others, which goes against the concept of civic responsibility. Civic responsibility is about contributing positively to society, not impeding the rights of others.

2. Acting in a manner to emphasize one's own rights: While it is important to understand and exercise one's rights, this option only emphasizes an individual's rights rather than considering the broader community. Civic responsibility involves active participation in the betterment of the community as a whole, not just the individual.

3. Acting in a manner that focuses only on local community issues: While it is admirable to address local community issues, civic responsibility extends beyond just local matters. It encompasses taking an active role in promoting the well-being of the entire community, including the nation.

4. Acting in a manner that promotes the local community and nation: This option aligns with the concept of civic responsibility. It suggests actively working to improve both the local community and the nation as a whole. It recognizes the importance of participating in activities that benefit not only oneself but also the broader society.

Based on the explanations provided, the best answer that aligns with the concept of civic responsibility is:

- Acting in a manner that promotes the local community and nation.