Phoenix Arizona has 33 rainy days per year. Jacksonville Florida has 10 rainy days per month. Which city has the higher unit rate of rainfall and why

To determine which city has the higher unit rate of rainfall, we need to compare the number of rainy days in both cities.

Phoenix, Arizona has 33 rainy days per year.

Jacksonville, Florida has 10 rainy days per month.

To compare the unit rates, we need to have a consistent time frame. Since Phoenix's rainfall is measured in terms of days per year, we need to convert Jacksonville's rainfall to days per year.

There are 12 months in a year, so Jacksonville has 10 rainy days per month * 12 months = 120 rainy days in a year.

Comparing the unit rates:

Phoenix: 33 rainy days per year
Jacksonville: 120 rainy days per year

Therefore, Phoenix has the lower unit rate of rainfall because it has fewer rainy days per year.

To determine which city has the higher unit rate of rainfall, we need to compare the amount of rain each city receives per day. A unit rate is the amount of something per one unit of another thing, and in this case, we want to find the amount of rainy days per day.

For Phoenix, Arizona, we're given that there are 33 rainy days per year. To convert this to the unit rate of rainy days per day, we divide 33 by the number of days in a year (365):
33 rainy days / 365 days = 0.0904 rainy days per day

For Jacksonville, Florida, we're given that there are 10 rainy days per month. To convert this to the unit rate of rainy days per day, we divide 10 by the average number of days in a month (30.44):
10 rainy days / 30.44 days = 0.3283 rainy days per day

Comparing the two unit rates, we can see that Jacksonville, Florida has a higher unit rate of rainfall, with approximately 0.3283 rainy days per day. On the other hand, Phoenix, Arizona has approximately 0.0904 rainy days per day. Therefore, Jacksonville, Florida has the higher unit rate of rainfall.

To determine which city has the higher unit rate of rainfall, we need to compare the amount of rainy days in both cities.

Phoenix, Arizona has 33 rainy days per year.

Jacksonville, Florida has 10 rainy days per month.

To compare the unit rates, we need to convert the number of rainy days to a common unit of time.

Since Phoenix, Arizona reports the number of rainy days per year, we need to convert Jacksonville, Florida's rainy days to a yearly rate as well.

There are 12 months in a year, so we can multiply the number of rainy days in Jacksonville by 12 to get an annual rate.

10 rainy days per month * 12 months = 120 rainy days per year in Jacksonville.

Comparing the two:

Phoenix, Arizona: 33 rainy days per year
Jacksonville, Florida: 120 rainy days per year

Since 120 is a higher value than 33, Jacksonville, Florida has the higher unit rate of rainfall.