Connor is trying to prove these two triangles congruent using ASA. What is the ONE additional piece of information that he needs? (Examples for what we might need to prove congruency in a different set of triangles might include Angle B is congruent to Angle X, or segment XY is congruent to segment PT)

To prove triangle congruence using ASA (Angle-Side-Angle), Connor would need to know that the angle measure of one of the angles in triangle ABC is congruent to the corresponding angle in triangle XYZ and that the lengths of the corresponding sides of the triangles are congruent as well. So, the additional piece of information Connor would need is the measure of one of the sides in triangle ABC that is congruent to the corresponding side in triangle XYZ.

To prove the congruency of two triangles using the ASA (Angle-Side-Angle) criterion, Connor would need to have the following three pieces of information:

1. The measure of one angle in triangle ABC is congruent to the measure of one angle in triangle XYZ.
2. The measure of a side of triangle ABC is congruent to the measure of the corresponding side in triangle XYZ.
3. The measure of another angle in triangle ABC is congruent to the measure of the corresponding angle in triangle XYZ.

Connor already has two of the required pieces of information, but to fully prove the congruency using ASA, he still needs the measure of a side of triangle ABC to be congruent to the measure of the corresponding side in triangle XYZ.

To prove two triangles congruent using the ASA (Angle-Side-Angle) congruence criterion, Connor needs one additional piece of information, which is the length of the side included between the congruent angles. In other words, he needs to know the length of the segment that connects the two congruent angles.