Bruce works for a government agency that is trying to eliminate food deserts. What is he MOST likely to propose to his colleagues to help reach this goal? (1point) Let's provide free health care in these areas Let's offer more fresh produce in these areas Let's build more fast-food restaurants in these areas. Let's vaccinate all children in these areas.

Bruce is most likely to propose offering more fresh produce in these areas.

To determine what Bruce is most likely to propose to his colleagues to help eliminate food deserts, we can analyze the options provided and consider the goals of his government agency. Bruce's objective is to eliminate food deserts, which are areas where people have limited access to affordable and nutritious food. Therefore, the proposal that aligns most closely with this goal is: "Let's offer more fresh produce in these areas."

By increasing the availability of fresh produce in food deserts, individuals in these communities will have greater access to healthy and nutritious food options. This proposal aims to address the underlying issue of limited food choices, promoting better overall nutrition and well-being.

It is important to mention that the other proposed options may have their own merits, but they may not directly address the problem of food deserts. For example, offering free healthcare, while valuable, may not directly address the core issue of limited access to nutritious food. Similarly, building more fast-food restaurants does not eliminate food deserts, as fast-food establishments may not necessarily offer healthier food options. Vaccinating all children, although essential for public health, is unrelated to addressing food deserts specifically.

Based on the goal of eliminating food deserts, Bruce is most likely to propose offering more fresh produce in these areas. This solution directly addresses the lack of access to healthy food options and helps improve the overall food environment in these areas.