Use the ratio 1 liter is equal to approximately 2,1 pints. How many pints are equal to 10 liters

To find out how many pints are equal to 10 liters, we can use the given ratio:

1 liter is equal to approximately 2.1 pints.

So, to find how many pints are equal to 10 liters, we can multiply 2.1 pints/Liter by 10 liters:

10 liters * 2.1 pints/liter = 21 pints.

Therefore, 10 liters is equal to approximately 21 pints.

To find out how many pints are equal to 10 liters using the given ratio, you can set up a proportion.

The ratio given is: 1 liter ≈ 2.1 pints

So you can create the proportion:
1 liter / 2.1 pints = 10 liters / x pints

To solve this proportion, you can cross-multiply and then divide:
1 * x = 10 * 2.1

Simplifying this equation gives:
x = 21 pints

Therefore, 10 liters is equal to approximately 21 pints based on the given ratio.

To find out how many pints are equal to 10 liters, we need to use the given ratio:

1 liter ≈ 2.1 pints

Now, we can set up a proportion to solve for the unknown quantity:

1 liter / 2.1 pints = 10 liters / x pints

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1 * x = 2.1 * 10

Simplifying, we have:

x = 21

Therefore, 10 liters is equal to approximately 21 pints.