Chang's running coach tells the team to load up on carbohydrates a few days before their big meet. Which meal will MOST likely help Chang follow the coach's instructions?

A meal that is rich in carbohydrates will help Chang follow the coach's instructions. Some examples of such meals are pasta with marinara sauce, brown rice with vegetables and tofu, or a bowl of oatmeal with fruits. These meals provide the necessary carbohydrates that can be stored as glycogen in the muscles, providing energy during the meet.

To determine which meal will most likely help Chang follow the coach's instructions to load up on carbohydrates, we need to identify foods that are high in carbohydrates. Carbohydrate-rich foods provide the necessary energy for athletic performance. Some examples of such foods include grains (such as rice, pasta, and bread), potatoes, fruits, and legumes.

To narrow down the options, let's consider a few meal choices that are likely to contain high levels of carbohydrates:

1. Spaghetti with tomato sauce and garlic bread: This meal includes pasta and bread, both of which are good sources of carbohydrates. The tomato sauce and garlic bread add flavor and variety to the meal.

2. Grilled chicken with roasted vegetables: This meal might not provide as many carbohydrates as the previous option, as it focuses more on protein (from chicken) and fiber (from vegetables) rather than carbohydrates. While vegetables may contain some amount of carbohydrates, they are not as concentrated as grains or starches.

3. Beef stir-fry with broccoli and quinoa: While stir-fry typically includes a mix of protein and vegetables, adding quinoa to the meal increases its carbohydrate content. Quinoa is considered a "superfood" due to its high protein and carbohydrate content.

Based on the options provided, the spaghetti with tomato sauce and garlic bread is the meal that will most likely help Chang follow the coach's instructions to load up on carbohydrates. The pasta and bread provide a significant amount of carbohydrates, which can help fuel Chang's performance during the big meet.

To load up on carbohydrates before a big meet, Chang should aim for a meal that is rich in complex carbohydrates. These types of carbohydrates provide a sustained release of energy. A meal that would likely help Chang follow the coach's instructions could include the following steps:

Step 1: Start with a base of whole grains. Foods such as brown rice, quinoa, or whole wheat pasta are good sources of complex carbohydrates.

Step 2: Include a good amount of vegetables. Vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, or broccoli not only provide additional carbohydrates but also essential nutrients and fiber.

Step 3: Add a lean protein source. This could be grilled chicken, fish, tofu, or beans. Protein helps with muscle repair and recovery.

Step 4: Consider adding a small amount of healthy fat. Avocado slices or nuts like almonds or walnuts can provide additional energy and help with nutrient absorption.

Step 5: As a side, include a serving of fruit, such as a banana or berries, which are natural sources of carbohydrates and provide essential vitamins and minerals.

Step 6: Hydrate with water or a sports drink before and after the meal to ensure proper hydration.

Remember to consult with a nutrition professional or coach for a personalized meal plan that suits Chang's specific needs and preferences.