How would you write "You need to study for english class" informally in spanish

Necesitas estudiar para la clase de inglés.

To write "You need to study for English class" informally in Spanish, you can say "Debes estudiar para la clase de inglés." Here's the breakdown:

1. "You" in Spanish can be translated to "tú" or "usted." When speaking informally, we use "tú."

2. "Need to study" can be translated as "debes estudiar" in Spanish. "Debes" comes from the verb "deber," which means "to have to" or "must." "Estudiar" means "to study."

3. "For English class" can be translated as "para la clase de inglés." "Para" means "for" and "la clase de inglés" means "the English class."

Putting it all together, we get "Debes estudiar para la clase de inglés" to express "You need to study for English class" in an informal way.

To write "You need to study for English class" informally in Spanish, you can say:

"Necesitas estudiar para la clase de inglés."