How would you write "You need to study for english class" formally in spanish

"Debes estudiar para la clase de inglés."

To write "You need to study for English class" formally in Spanish, you can say: "Necesita estudiar para la clase de inglés."

To write "You need to study for English class" formally in Spanish, you can use the following sentence:

"Usted necesita estudiar para la clase de inglés."

Now, let me break down the sentence for you:

1. "Usted" is the formal way of saying "you" in Spanish.
2. "Necesita" is the third-person singular form of the verb "necesitar," which means "to need."
3. "Estudiar" is the infinitive form of the verb "estudiar," which means "to study."
4. "Para" is a preposition that means "for" in this context.
5. "La clase de inglés" means "the English class."

Remember that in Spanish, subjects are often omitted, and the verb form can indicate the subject. So, "Usted necesita" translates to "You need" in English.

By understanding the vocabulary and grammar rules, you can construct sentences to express yourself formally in Spanish.