Read the following dictionary entry:

to provide assistance to someone
to feel approval or preference for something

Which definition most closely matches the meaning of favor in line 4? Write the correct definition of favor here and explain how you figured it out.

The correct definition of favor in line 4 is "to feel approval or preference for something". I figured this out because the entry states that favor can also be used as a verb, so this definition aligns with the action of feeling approval or preference for something.

The correct definition of "favor" in line 4 is "to feel approval or preference for something."

To figure out the correct definition, we can analyze the context provided in the dictionary entry. In the previous lines, "favor" is described as a verb, meaning an action rather than a noun or adjective. The two definitions provided for "favor" as a verb are "to provide assistance to someone" and "to feel approval or preference for something."

Comparing the two definitions, we can see that the first definition relates more to the act of helping or assisting someone, which does not fit the context of line 4. Instead, the second definition of "to feel approval or preference for something" is more appropriate in this case.

Therefore, the correct definition of "favor" in line 4 is "to feel approval or preference for something."

Based on the information given in the dictionary entry, the correct definition of favor in line 4 would be: "to feel approval or preference for something."

I figured this out by looking at the two definitions provided for the verb form of favor.

The first definition "to provide assistance to someone" does not match the meaning described in line 4, which is about feeling approval or preference for something.

Therefore, the only definition that matches the meaning in line 4 is "to feel approval or preference for something."