Step 1: Create an eight-question survey in a Microsoft® Word document:

Open a new Microsoft® Word document, and save it as Survey in your Unit 4 folder.
Create an eight-question survey that you will test with your friends and family. Your survey must ask for certain information (listed below), but you can make up an additional three questions. Your survey should ask the people in your sample for the following information:
number of siblings
number of times per month they go to the movies
hours of sleep they get each night (on average)
Ask three more questions of your choice—be creative! Just make sure that you are asking questions whose answers are numbers (for example, your question may start with “How much…” or “How many…”).
Make sure that you save your document when you are finished.
Step 2: Create a database where you will enter your data:

Click on the link below to access the Portfolio workbook. Save it as Data Analysis in your Unit 4 folder.

Mouse icon Portfolio

Select the tab titled Survey Results. Type a one-word heading or field name in each column that represents each question (for example, Age, Height, Weight, etc.).

Step 3: Conduct your survey:

Ask your friends or family members to answer your survey. You can ask your respondents questions in person, over the phone, or via e-mail. Jot down their answers in a notebook or on a piece of scrap paper.

Step 4: Enter the results of you survey into your database, making sure each row represents one person’s answers for every question on the survey.

Step 5: Insert and format a scatter plot displaying the two variables for age and number of hours slept every night.

Select the columns with the data for age and hours slept, and then insert a scatter plot. When you are done, insert a trend line into your scatter plot.

To insert and format a scatter plot displaying the two variables for age and number of hours slept every night, follow these steps:

1. Open the Data Analysis workbook and go to the Survey Results tab.
2. Select the column with the data for age by clicking on the column heading.
3. While holding the Ctrl key, select the column with the data for number of hours slept every night.
4. Go to the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
5. Click on the Scatter or Scatter with Straight Lines chart type in the Charts group.
6. Choose the first scatter chart option (usually the default one) from the drop-down menu.
7. A scatter plot will appear on the worksheet.
8. Right-click on any data point on the scatter plot and select Add Trendline from the context menu.
9. In the Format Trendline pane that opens on the right side of the worksheet, choose the options you prefer, such as the type of trendline (linear, polynomial, etc.) and the display of the equation and R-squared value.
10. Adjust the formatting of the scatter plot and the trendline as desired, such as the color, size, and axis labels.
11. Save your work.

To create a scatter plot in Microsoft Excel, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open Microsoft Excel and open the data analysis workbook you saved in your Unit 4 folder.

Step 2: Go to the sheet where you entered the survey results. Make sure you have columns for "Age" and "Hours of sleep" filled with the data you collected.

Step 3: Select the columns containing the data for "Age" and "Hours of sleep" by clicking and dragging your mouse over the cells. Make sure to include the column headings as well.

Step 4: With the data selected, go to the "Insert" tab in the Excel ribbon. Look for the "Scatter" chart type and click on it. Choose the scatter plot style you prefer.

Step 5: Your scatter plot will appear on the worksheet. To add a trend line, right-click on any data point in the scatter plot and select "Add Trendline" from the context menu.

Step 6: The "Format Trendline" pane will appear on the right side of the Excel window. Choose the desired options for your trendline, such as the type (linear, exponential, polynomial, etc.), display options, and formatting.

Step 7: Once you finish formatting the trendline, you can customize the scatter plot further by adding axes labels, titles, and adjusting the axis scales if needed.

That's it! You have now created a scatter plot with a trendline displaying the relationship between age and hours of sleep.

Step 1:

1. Open Microsoft Word and create a new document.
2. Save the document as "Survey" in your Unit 4 folder.
3. Create an eight-question survey using the following information as a guide:
a. Height
b. Number of siblings
c. Number of times per month they go to the movies
d. Age
e. Hours of sleep they get each night (on average)
f. Ask three more questions of your choice, making sure the answers are numerical.
4. Make sure to save the document when you have finished creating the survey.

Step 2:
1. Open the Portfolio workbook.
2. Save it as "Data Analysis" in your Unit 4 folder.
3. Select the "Survey Results" tab.
4. Enter one-word headings or field names in each column that represent each question from your survey.

Step 3:
1. Ask your friends or family members to answer your survey.
2. You can ask them in person, over the phone, or via email.
3. Note down their answers in a notebook or on a piece of scrap paper.

Step 4:
1. Open the "Data Analysis" workbook.
2. Go to the "Survey Results" tab.
3. Enter the results of your survey into the corresponding columns, ensuring that each row represents one person's answers for every question on the survey.

Step 5:
1. Select the columns with the data for age and hours slept.
2. Insert a scatter plot by navigating to the "Insert" tab and selecting the "Scatterplot" option.
3. Customize the scatter plot as desired (e.g., axis labels, titles, etc.).
4. Insert a trendline into the scatter plot by right-clicking on any data point, selecting "Add Trendline," and choosing the desired trendline option.
5. Format the scatter plot and trendline to enhance the visual representation of the data.
6. Save your work.