Which of these would most likely happen under a free market?

(1 point)

government regulators set maximum prices
government regulators set maximum prices

political influence determines what products are made
political influence determines what products are made

an appointed agency decides where businesses can operate
an appointed agency decides where businesses can operate

individual business owners set prices to compete for business

individual business owners set prices to compete for business

Under a free market, the most likely scenario would be that individual business owners set prices to compete for business. In a free market system, businesses have the freedom to set their own prices based on supply and demand dynamics, competition, and their own costs. This allows for a greater degree of flexibility and autonomy for business owners to determine the prices that they believe will attract customers and generate profits. This concept is often referred to as price competition, where businesses adjust their prices to gain a competitive advantage and attract buyers.

Under a free market, individual business owners would most likely set prices to compete for business.