Which of these were holy Hindu scriptures written by gurus to help connect people to heavenly forces?

the Upanishads
the Mahabharata
the Ramayana
the Theravada

Out of the options provided, the Upanishads are the holy Hindu scriptures written by gurus to help people connect with heavenly forces. The Upanishads are a collection of ancient texts that form the philosophical foundation of Hinduism.

The Upanishads and the Mahabharata are holy Hindu scriptures written by gurus to help connect people to heavenly forces. The Ramayana is also a Hindu scripture but it primarily focuses on the story of Lord Rama and his adventures. The Theravada is a branch of Buddhism and not specifically associated with Hinduism.

Out of the given options, the holy Hindu scriptures written by gurus to help connect people to heavenly forces are the Upanishads.

To determine this answer, you can first analyze each of the options:

1. The Upanishads: The Upanishads are a collection of ancient texts that are considered to be revelations by Hindu sages. These texts delve into various philosophical and spiritual concepts, aiming to help individuals attain spiritual liberation and connect with higher cosmic forces.

2. The Mahabharata: The Mahabharata is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India. While it contains spiritual teachings, it primarily encompasses a grand narrative of a dynastic struggle for power and is not specifically focused on connecting individuals to heavenly forces.

3. The Ramayana: The Ramayana is another ancient Hindu epic that narrates the tale of Lord Rama's adventure to rescue his wife, Sita, from the demon king Ravana. While it contains moral and philosophical teachings, its primary focus is not on connecting individuals to heavenly forces.

4. The Theravada: Theravada is a school of Buddhism, not Hinduism. It primarily emphasizes the original teachings of the Buddha and the cultivation of wisdom and meditation practices for attaining enlightenment.

By process of elimination, we can see that the Upanishads align with the description of holy Hindu scriptures written by gurus to help connect people to heavenly forces.