A truck drives 120 miles and uses 5 gallons of gasoline. How far could the truck drive with 7 gallons of gasoline?(1 point)


840 miles
840 miles

168 miles
168 miles

86 miles
86 miles

24 miles

To find out how far the truck could drive with 7 gallons of gasoline, we can set up a proportion:

120 miles / 5 gallons = x miles / 7 gallons

Cross multiplying, we get:

5x = 120 * 7

Dividing both sides by 5, we get:

x = (120 * 7) / 5

Simplifying, we get:

x = 840 / 5

x = 168

Therefore, the truck could drive 168 miles with 7 gallons of gasoline.

To find out how far the truck could drive with 7 gallons of gasoline, we can set up a proportion based on the given information.

The number of gallons of gasoline is directly proportional to the distance the truck can drive. So, we can set up the proportion:

5 gallons / 120 miles = 7 gallons / x miles

To solve for x, cross multiply:

5 * x = 7 * 120

5x = 840

Divide both sides of the equation by 5:

x = 840 / 5

x = 168

Therefore, the truck could drive 168 miles with 7 gallons of gasoline.

To solve this problem, we need to find the distance covered using 1 gallon of gasoline, and then multiply it by the number of gallons given.

So, to find the distance covered using 1 gallon of gasoline, we divide the total distance by the total amount of gasoline used. In this case, the truck drove 120 miles using 5 gallons of gasoline, so we divide 120 by 5:

120 miles ÷ 5 gallons = 24 miles per gallon

Now, we can calculate the distance the truck could drive with 7 gallons of gasoline. To do this, we multiply the miles per gallon by the number of gallons given:

24 miles per gallon × 7 gallons = 168 miles

Therefore, the truck could drive 168 miles with 7 gallons of gasoline.