Complete this letter to your grandmother by conjugating each of the verbs in the preterit tense. You must include the accent marks where needed to earn full credit.

1. ______________ (recibir)

(1 point)
5 Word Limit
Question 2
2. _______________ (enviar)(1 point)
5 Word Limit
Question 3
3. ____________ (decidir)(1 point)
5 Word Limit
Question 4
4. _________ (encontrar)(1 point)
5 Word Limit
Question 5
5. _______ (tomar)(1 point)
5 Word Limit
Question 6
6. _________ (escoger)(1 point)
5 Word Limit
Question 7
7. __________ (comprar)(1 point)
5 Word Limit
Question 8
8. _________ (ver)(1 point)
5 Word Limit
Question 9
9. ___________ (llegar)(1 point)
5 Word Limit
Question 10
10. _________ (probarse)(1 point)
5 Word Limit
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1. Recibí

2. Envié
3. Decidí
4. Encontré
5. Tomé
6. Escogí
7. Compré
8. Vi
9. Llegué
10. Me probé

Querida abuela,

Espero que esté bien. Recibí tu carta la semana pasada y me alegré mucho de recibir noticias tuyas. Te envié una tarjeta de cumpleaños que decidí enviar desde la ciudad. Encontré un regalo especial para ti y lo compré en una tienda local. Tomé café con mamá y pude ver a mis primos el fin de semana pasado. Llegué a casa tarde ayer porque probé muchos vestidos en la tienda. Escogí uno muy bonito y lo compré. También vi una película mientras tomaba un poco de palomitas de maíz. Me divertí mucho. Espero verte pronto.

Con cariño,
[Tu nombre]

To conjugate each of the verbs in the preterit tense and complete the letter, follow these steps:

1. "Recibir" - conjugate it to "recibí", as you are referring to yourself in the first person. The verb "recibir" is an -ir verb, so you will remove the -ir ending and add the preterit endings: "í".

2. "Enviar" - conjugate it to "envié", as you are referring to yourself in the first person. The verb "enviar" is an -ar verb, so you will remove the -ar ending and add the preterit endings: "é".

3. "Decidir" - conjugate it to "decidí", as you are referring to yourself in the first person. The verb "decidir" is an -ir verb, so you will remove the -ir ending and add the preterit endings: "í".

4. "Encontrar" - conjugate it to "encontré", as you are referring to yourself in the first person. The verb "encontrar" is an -ar verb, so you will remove the -ar ending and add the preterit endings: "é".

5. "Tomar" - conjugate it to "tomé", as you are referring to yourself in the first person. The verb "tomar" is an -ar verb, so you will remove the -ar ending and add the preterit endings: "é".

6. "Escoger" - conjugate it to "escogí", as you are referring to yourself in the first person. The verb "escoger" is an -er verb, so you will remove the -er ending and add the preterit endings: "í".

7. "Comprar" - conjugate it to "compré", as you are referring to yourself in the first person. The verb "comprar" is an -ar verb, so you will remove the -ar ending and add the preterit endings: "é".

8. "Ver" - conjugate it to "vi", as you are referring to yourself in the first person. The verb "ver" is an irregular verb in the preterit tense and does not follow the regular conjugation patterns. "Vi" is the first person singular form ("I saw").

9. "Llegar" - conjugate it to "llegué", as you are referring to yourself in the first person. The verb "llegar" is an -ar verb, so you will remove the -ar ending and add the preterit endings: "é".

10. "Probarse" - conjugate it to "me probé", as you are referring to yourself in the first person and using a reflexive pronoun "me". The verb "probarse" is a reflexive verb. Conjugate "probarse" to "me probé" by removing the -se ending and adding the preterit endings: "é". Additionally, the reflexive pronoun "me" is placed before the verb.

Complete the letter by inserting the conjugated verbs into the appropriate places based on the context and the information you want to convey to your grandmother. Don't forget to include accent marks where needed.


Querida abuela,

Espero que estés bien. Hoy recibí tu carta y me alegró mucho. Te envié un regalo por correo. ¿Lo recibiste? He decidido visitarte este fin de semana. Encontré unos boletos de avión baratos. Tomé el vuelo y llegué a tu ciudad ayer. ¡Qué emoción! Cuando llegué, compré flores para ti y las vi muy bonitas. Me probé el vestido que me regalaste y me quedó perfecto.

Espero verte pronto.

Con cariño,
[Tu nombre]