Owen is counting calories. What does this MOST likely mean?

This most likely means that Owen is monitoring and keeping track of the number of calories he consumes daily as a part of his dietary goals or weight management plan.

If Owen is counting calories, it means that he is keeping track of the number of calories he consumes each day. This is often done as a method for weight management or to achieve specific fitness or health goals. By counting calories, Owen can monitor his intake and make sure he is consuming an appropriate amount for his needs.

When someone is counting calories, it means they are consciously keeping track of how many calories they consume in their diet. This is typically done with the goal of managing or controlling their overall calorie intake in order to achieve specific health or weight loss goals.

To count calories, individuals typically record and monitor the number of calories in the foods and beverages they consume throughout the day. This can be done manually by referencing nutrition labels or using online databases, or through the use of mobile applications specifically designed for tracking food intake.

By counting calories, Owen is likely aiming to be more aware of the energy content of the foods he eats, allowing him to make more informed decisions about his diet and potentially create a calorie deficit if he wishes to lose weight.