The suffix -ant means "tending to" and the word root -vig- means "watchful." Which word is the best synonym for vigilant?






The best synonym for vigilant would be "alert", as it aligns with the meaning of being watchful or attentive.

The word "vigilant" means watchful, attentive, or alert. To find a synonym for "vigilant," we need to look for a word that conveys the same meaning of being watchful or alert. Here are the options provided:

1. Alert - This word means being watchful and attentive, similar to the meaning of vigilant. This word is a good synonym for vigilant.

2. Asleep - This word means being in a state of sleep and does not convey the same meaning as vigilant. It is the opposite of what we are looking for.

3. Absentminded - This word means being forgetful or preoccupied and does not convey the same meaning as vigilant. It is not a suitable synonym for vigilant.

4. Alive - This word means to be living, active, or having life, and does not directly convey the meaning of being watchful or alert. Although being alive is necessary to be vigilant, it is not an accurate synonym for the word.

Therefore, the best synonym for vigilant is "alert."