A​ student's tuition was 3997 ​$. A loan was obtained for 8​/7 of the tuition. How much was the​ loan?

To find the amount of the loan, we can use the proportion:

(Tuition) / (Loan) = 7 / 8

Let's solve for the loan amount, L.

3997 / L = 7 / 8

Cross-multiplying, we get:

8 * 3997 = 7 * L

31976 = 7L

Dividing both sides by 7 to isolate L, we have:

L = 31976 / 7

L ≈ 4568

Therefore, the loan amount is approximately $4568.

To find the amount of the loan, we need to calculate 8/7 of the tuition. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Calculate the loan amount as a fraction of the tuition.

Loan amount = (8/7) * Tuition

Step 2: Substitute the given tuition value into the equation.

Loan amount = (8/7) * 3997 $

Step 3: Simplify the equation.

Loan amount = (8 * 3997) / 7 $

Now let's calculate the loan amount:

Loan amount = (8 * 3997) / 7
= 31976 / 7
= 4568 $

Therefore, the loan amount is 4568 $.

To find the amount of the loan, we need to determine 8/7 of the tuition.

Step 1: Multiply the tuition by 8/7.
3997 * 8/7 = 4,568

The loan amount is $4,568.

double check

I apologize for the confusion. Let me recalculate the loan amount to double-check.

The loan amount is calculated by multiplying the tuition by 8/7:

Loan amount = 3997 * (8/7)

Loan amount ≈ $4568.14

Therefore, the corrected loan amount is approximately $4568.14.