Convert 12 quarts to pints.(1 point)


24 pints
24 pints

10 pints
10 pints

14 pints
14 pints

6 pints

Correct answer: 24 pints

To convert 12 quarts to pints, you simply need to multiply by 2 since there are 2 pints in a quart.

12 quarts * 2 pints/quart = 24 pints

So, 12 quarts is equal to 24 pints.

To convert quarts to pints, you need to know that there are 2 pints in 1 quart. To convert 12 quarts to pints, you can use the following calculation:

12 quarts * 2 pints/quart = 24 pints

So, 12 quarts is equal to 24 pints.