Which of the following statements would describe one strength of the Articles of Confederation?

(1 point)
O The Confederation Congress could pass taxes.
O The federal court system handled all judicial matters
• Any law passed by the Confederation Congress would override state laws.
• The lack of an executive branch minimized the abuse of power.

• The lack of an executive branch minimized the abuse of power.

One strength of the Articles of Confederation is that the lack of an executive branch minimized the abuse of power.

The correct answer is: The lack of an executive branch minimized the abuse of power.

To find the correct answer, it is necessary to analyze each statement and determine which one represents a strength of the Articles of Confederation.

1. "The Confederation Congress could pass taxes."
This statement is actually a weakness of the Articles of Confederation. The central government under the Articles did not have the power to levy taxes, which made it difficult for the government to finance its operations.

2. "The federal court system handled all judicial matters."
This statement is also a weakness. The Articles of Confederation did not establish a strong federal judiciary, leading to a lack of centralized authority in interpreting and enforcing laws.

3. "Any law passed by the Confederation Congress would override state laws."
This statement is not entirely accurate. Under the Articles of Confederation, laws passed by the federal government did not have supremacy over state laws. State laws could still remain in effect even if they contradicted federal legislation.

4. "The lack of an executive branch minimized the abuse of power."
This statement represents a strength of the Articles of Confederation. The absence of a strong executive branch meant that power was decentralized, reducing the risk of one person or a small group of individuals abusing their authority.

Thus, the correct answer is: The lack of an executive branch minimized the abuse of power.