Which items are TRUE about minerals? Select the three correct answers.(2 points)


Minerals can only be identified by their color and hardness.
Minerals can only be identified by their color and hardness.

Observing one property is often the best way to identify minerals.
Observing one property is often the best way to identify minerals.

Minerals are naturally occurring substances.
Minerals are naturally occurring substances.

Minerals are the components that make up rocks.
Minerals are the components that make up rocks.

Minerals are made of one element or one compound of elements.
Minerals are made of one element or one compound of elements.

Rocks are the components that make up minerals.
Rocks are the components that make up minerals.

The three correct answers are:

1. Observing one property is often the best way to identify minerals.
2. Minerals are naturally occurring substances.
3. Minerals are made of one element or one compound of elements.

The three correct answers are:

- Minerals are naturally occurring substances.
- Minerals are the components that make up rocks.
- Minerals are made of one element or one compound of elements.

The three correct answers about minerals are:

1. Observing one property is often the best way to identify minerals: While color and hardness can be helpful in identifying minerals, there are many other properties that can also be used, such as crystal form, luster, and cleavage.

2. Minerals are naturally occurring substances: Minerals are formed through geological processes in the Earth's crust and are not man-made.

3. Minerals are made of one element or one compound of elements: A mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic solid that has a specific chemical composition and typically a definite crystalline structure. This means that minerals are composed of either a single element or a combination of elements bonded together in a specific way.

The incorrect statements are:

1. Minerals can only be identified by their color and hardness: While color and hardness can give some clues, they are not the only properties used to identify minerals. Other properties such as streak, cleavage, specific gravity, and acid reaction can also be useful.

2. Rocks are the components that make up minerals: Minerals are the components that make up rocks, not the other way around. Rocks are composed of minerals, along with other materials such as organic matter, glass, or other rock fragments.