Identify the participle in the sentence below: I saw Jackson running up to our neighbor's dog. (1 point) Responses saw saw running running neighbor's dog neighbor's dog Jackson

The participle in the sentence is "running."

The participle in the sentence is "running".

To identify the participle in the sentence "I saw Jackson running up to our neighbor's dog," we need to understand what a participle is. A participle is a verb form that functions as an adjective and usually ends in "-ing" (present participle) or "-ed" (past participle). In this case, the participle we are looking for should end in "-ing" as the sentence is in the present tense.

To find the participle, let's break down the sentence:

"I saw Jackson running up to our neighbor's dog."

The verb in the sentence is "saw." The object of the verb is "Jackson." The phrase "running up to our neighbor's dog" functions as an adjectival phrase that describes Jackson. Within this phrase, the word "running" is the participle we are looking for.

Therefore, the participle in the sentence is "running."