Natasha and Jorge were asked to find the quotient to the decimal division problem 18.8 ÷ 1.6. Natasha

says her answer is 11.75. Jorge says his answer is 1.175.
a. Who is correct? Natasha or Jorge?
b. Explain how you know who is correct. Include in your explanation at least one possible error the
student who was incorrect made. (2 points)

can You dealet this question I just asked pls

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To determine who is correct, we can divide 18.8 by 1.6 using long division:

1.6 | 18.8
- 16

The quotient of 18.8 ÷ 1.6 is 11.75, so Natasha is correct.

One possible error is that Jorge mistakenly moved the decimal place one place to the left in the quotient. Instead of writing 11.75, they wrote 1.175.

To determine who is correct, let's solve the decimal division problem 18.8 ÷ 1.6 step-by-step:

Step 1: Divide the whole numbers:
18 ÷ 1 = 18

Step 2: Divide the decimal parts:
0.8 ÷ 0.6 = 1.333...

Step 3: Combine the whole number quotient from Step 1 and the decimal quotient from Step 2:
The quotient is 18.133...

Now let's compare Natasha and Jorge's answers:

Natasha says her answer is 11.75, which differs from the correct answer of 18.133... Natasha's possible error might be mistakenly not considering the decimal part of the division.

Jorge says his answer is 1.175, which is not correct either. Jorge neglected the whole number part of the division problem.

Therefore, neither Natasha nor Jorge is correct. The correct answer is 18.133..., which means neither student provided the accurate result.

To determine who is correct in the decimal division problem 18.8 ÷ 1.6, let's go through the solution step-by-step.

a. Natasha says her answer is 11.75.
b. Jorge says his answer is 1.175.

To check who is correct, we can perform the division calculation ourselves.

When dividing decimals, it is helpful to align the decimal point by adding zeros to make the divisor (1.6) a whole number.

Aligning the decimal point, we get:


Next, we divide 188.0 by 16. To do this, we first check how many times 16 can go into 188.0.

16 goes into 188.0 approximately 11.75 times.

Therefore, Natasha is correct. Her answer of 11.75 is accurate for the decimal division problem.

Jorge's answer of 1.175 is incorrect. It seems that Jorge incorrectly divided the dividend (18.8) by the divisor (1.6), leading to a miscalculation.

Nope Thankyou!!!!

You're welcome! If you have any more questions in the future, feel free to ask. Have a great day!